50 more units soon, plus upgrade wizard!

50 more units soon, plus upgrade wizard!

1) The holidays have slowed down production of our next 50 enclosures but we should have them in a few weeks. 

2) Our next software release is close to finished and will allow for updates using a USB thumb-drive.  We've chosen this as a preferred method to avoid potential barriers to accessing hospital networks (IT committees, firewalls, passwords, etc.).  See screenshots of the upgrade wizard below.

3) Sescom has built us a custom audio bypass box that we're currently evaluating.  This will allow more options to integrate into existing audio systems.

Your feedback and/or comments are always welcome!



Canary Sound Design’s CanaryBox™ Receives Nebraska’s Bioscience Grant CanaryBox integrates surgical suite music with patient monitors for smart operating room music.

New website template

New website template